Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Penny Saved

So my friend Tamara posted something about making laundry detergent. This is the recipie she used:

I did the math. It will cost me $0.02 cents per load to make my own detergent rather than spending $0.09 cents per load for the stufff I buy at Sams Club / Costco. I have 6 people I do laundry for in addition to the household stuff (towels, blankets etc.) so we do a lot of laundry. By making my own detergent it will result in total savings for the year of $120.02. And it works just as well as the detergent I have been buying for years. As I have very sensitive skin I used an Ivory Soap bar that worked like a charm. My skin is not rashing out and the clothes are clean. Works for me!

Also I read that I can use vinegar instead of liquid fabric softener. I spend about $65.00 per year on fabric softener. I got 4 gallons of vinegar for about $4.00. This will last the year. So this is a $61.00 savings. It works. My clothes were soft and didn't smell like vinegar. Score!

I am going to try making dishwasher soap next. It looks easy and will also save me money. So total savings with just a few small changes has added up to $181.02. Not bad for something that will not change our lifestyle at all. So let's put $181.02 in the savings account.


  1. love that you did this. I added about 15 drops of Violet essential oil and I love the way our laundry smells.

  2. Ok, you guys have my attention... I may have to try it.
